rockin around the christmas tree

With just about a week until Christmas, I found myself cycling through old photos of Christmases past. It is fun to see what decor has changed and what has always made the cut.  Some ideas definitely stand out as more of a win than others.  Want to take a look at some of our past Christmas trees?

I was big on burlap and primarily gold ornaments in 2011 and years prior for that matter.  This tree seems light on ornaments.  Less is more, I suppose.  I am not sure that I still subscribe to that though.  Those red drapes in our old house.  They weren’t ever really my style but they did work really well for Christmas and framing the tree.

2011 Christmas tree

In 2012, we purchased a ball & burlap tree that would later be planted in our yard.  It was a small, shrub so we kept the decor to mostly red ornaments & rocking horses.  The red drapes were still up so I guess they were more of my style at the time than I thought.  Have you ever had a ball & burlap Christmas tree?

Christmas tree 2012

2013 was the year we moved to Cape May and also the year of orange slice garland, dried hydrangeas, twigs & peacock feathers apparently.  As crazy as they all sound together, this might be a favorite Christmas look of mine.  Considering you already have a dead tree in your living, there is just something about layering on more organic, natural ornaments.  I also like the toile panels that framed the tree that year.   This photo is making a strong argument for putting the tree in that bay window again next year.Organic Christmas Tree decor

Christmas Tree peacock feathers, hydrangea & orange

In 2014, we broke away from the themed ornaments and started incorporating more color and sentimental ornaments.  I topped the tree with vintage arrows and draped chenille garland that made an appearance again on this year’s tree.

Christmas 2014- arrows

Christmas 2014-5360

And then there’s 2015.  This year the tree is less themed than it has been in the past.  I kept with the light colors we’ve been incorporating in our space as we’ve been updating it.  I used cotton stems as an ornament.  I like the softness, yet fullness that it adds.  This year, more is more for sure.

Trees aside, what’s Christmas without a pink flamingo holiday sweater, candlelight, a chubby beagle and an awkward photo?  Yes, more is certainly more.  More ornaments.  More lights.  More silly photos.  And more time with family and friends.

Chritmas mantel

Merry Christmas from our home to yours! 

We hope you enjoy this magical season.

Christmas tree-366


our pet project

Hey friends!  Thanks for all of the love, support and kind words regarding our move to Cape May and our quest to live on less.  Yesterday, we hit a milestone – six months of marriage!

© Love Shack Photo

Those six months definitely flew by and, as described, so much has changed!  We’re getting to the point where we’re settled into our new lifestyle and home.  Along with the aforementioned changes, exciting new opportunities have developed.  Opportunities that we may not have had the chance to pursue otherwise.

The silver lining, my friends, is that Ryan is now managing his very own pet boutique…with Wilson’s expertise of course!


I realize many readers here frequent The West End Garage in Cape May and may have even found Circa Dee through the shop.  So next time you pop in the fun and fabulous marketplace be sure to visit Houndstooth and pick something up for your best friend!  In the meantime, Houndstooth is on facebook with regular updates.

houndstooth banner

Houndstooth specializes in eco-friendly products Made in the USA!


Plus lots of fun collars in extra small for cats through extra large for big dogs.

marlin collar mustache collar

Ryan has also put together a few Houndstooth Exclusive items that will be featured on the facebook page.  If you love Cape May as much as we do, I think you will love these for your best friend!  Stay tuned.

Recently I was told there wasn’t enough Wilson here on the blog anymore.  Being that he is the Houndstooth muse, it is pretty much all Wilson all the time over there!


happy halloween

What has 12 legs,

floppy ears,

a mean web

and a tail?

spider beagle halloween Wilson

Wilson, this Halloween!

Wilson spider

I am sure Wilson is wondering once again how he got stuck with the crazies.

Have a safe and festive Halloween, everyone!